Who are the top explainer video companies?
Since we started making explainers in 2009, the industry has grown an incredible amount. Companies popping up from all regions around the world. But with all this clutter, who are the top companies to go to? Well, to make life a little easier, I’ve made a list via Listly.
But why did I do this? Well, because there are certain companies out there who I really respect and follow with interest. So I thought I’d share them with you.
An explainer video to me is, first and foremost, the way the concept is explained. Let’s forget about the graphics for now. At the heart of any explainer video is the explanation. Without this, the video is nothing. What’s the point? Some companies I’ve seen don’t seem to care about this. Lots and lots of explainer video companies simply outsource their work. So they don’t really get to know the ins and outs of it all. And that’s what makes us at The Cuillin Collective different. We cover all aspects of the explainer video in house. We write, illustrate, shoot and edit the videos ourselves. I write, shoot and edit whilst Ailsa and Helen illustrate. So we’ve built up all the knowledge needed to write the perfect explainer video. Well, with over 700 under our belt that was bound to happen 🙂 Why not check out our portfolio to see what I mean?
I have also created a community on Google+. This page is for help and advice from explainer video experts. You can see this page by clicking here. So if you have any questions you can post them on there or simply email me by using the contact us section below.