Raised on Kickstarter so far...
One of the best ways to raise money for a startup company or product is through crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indigogo. These crowdfunding sites have helped successfully fund over 350,000 projects since they started. People from all over the globe have backed projects, over 100,000,000 of them in fact. These are great stats for anyone looking to fund a project of their own, but these are still a big sites with plenty of people & companies looking for funding for their ideas. This means it can be difficult to get your project seen or heard above the rest. If a potential backer doesn’t understand your project or doesn’t find it interesting enough, you won’t be able to gain the funding you need.
This is why here at The Cuillin Collective we offer a whole range of crowdfunding videos services. It can be a full live action shoot with locations and actors, editing only or a fully animated explainer video.
Did you know that crowdfunding campaigns that use a video are 85% more likely to reach their funding target? That’s why we have found that one of the best ways to raise money for a crowdfunding campaigns is by using an explainer video. I'd like to note here that explainer videos are no longer just animated. The word has evolved to include any live action video that explains a concept.
An explainer video is the perfect way to explain your concept in a simple and engaging manner. There’s no one set way to make your explainer video but there’s definitely ways that work better than others. And since you can’t track engagement levels via Kickstarter, you need to make sure you pick a company who knows what they’re doing. Having made several Kickstarter videos for successfully funded campaigns, we know what works and what doesn’t. The average length for an animated explainer video for a company is under 80 seconds, but with a Kickstarter campaigns you want a bit more detail so we’ve found the optimum length to be between 2 and 3 minutes. This is short enough that your audience remains engaged but long enough to get across why your product is worth investing in.
What make a successful Kickstarter video? Choosing the correct Kickstarter video production company is key of course! More importantly, it's explanation. If the concept or product isn't explained correctly, no-one will understand what they are investing in.
Three tips for you: be clear, be concise and never rush a campaign.